Eclectic Food Big Screen TV in the Twin Cities

2 Results, Scroll down to view
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1 - 2 of 2 Results

LW's Bierstube

6434 Cahill Drive Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

Cuisine: American  Eclectic  German  Take out 

Amenities Arcade Games  Big Screen TV  Family Friendly  NFL Sunday Ticket  Pull tabs  Take Out  Wi-Fi 

La Hacienda

2467 W 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55116

Cuisine: Eclectic  Ecuadorian  Fast Food  Greek  Mexican  Peruvian  Salvadorian  Spanish 

Amenities Big Screen TV  Catering  Family Friendly  Soccer 

1 - 2 of 2 Results
*All information is deemed reliable, but unfortunatly cannot not be guaranteed. Events & prices are subject to change.