Curb side to go Thursday s Vegetarian Food Take Out in the Twin Cities

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A Slice of New York

2407 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55404

Cuisine: Catering  Fast Food  Italian  Pizza  Take out  Vegetarian 

Amenities Delivery  Satellite tv  Take Out 

Curb side to go: Thursdays, Call

call ahead for order and hours of operation

Fat Lorenzo's

5600 Cedar Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55417

Cuisine: Cookies  Italian  Pizza  Subs  Vegetarian 

Amenities Family Friendly  Outdoor/Patio  Take Out 

Curb side to go: Thursdays, Call

call ahead for order and hours of operation

Mediterranean Cruise Cafe

12500 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337

Cuisine: Buffet  Catering  Fish  Mediterranean  Middle Eastern  Pasta  Seafood  Steaks  Take out  Vegetarian 

Amenities Banquet  Belly Dancing  Big Screen TV  Birthday Parties  Catering  Children's Menu  Dancing  Family Friendly  Featured Hotspots  Happy Hour  Hookah  Kids Eat Free  Live DJ  Outdoor/Patio  Pull tabs  Receptions/wedding  Reservations Accepted  Shisha   Take Out  Wi-Fi 

Curb side to go: Thursdays, Call

call ahead for order and hours of operation

1 - 3 of 3 Results
*All information is deemed reliable, but unfortunatly cannot not be guaranteed. Events & prices are subject to change.