Restaurants Vegetarian Food with Catering in Minneapolis

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Kafe 421

421 14th Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414

Place to Go: Bars/Nightclubs  Catering  Nightclub  Outdoor/Patio  Restaurants 

Cuisine: American  Box lunches  Catering  fresh Salad  Greek  Pasta  Seafood  Soup  Steaks  Take out  Vegetarian 

Amenities Catering  Happy Hour  Outdoor/Patio  Receptions/wedding  Reservations Accepted 

Krona Bar and Grill

618 2nd Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55402

Place to Go: Bars/Nightclubs  Catering  Receptions/Weddings  Reservations Accepted  Restaurants  Take Out  WiFi Hotspots 

Cuisine: American  Italian  Pizza  Salad  Seafood  Soup  Steaks  Vegan  Vegetarian 

Amenities Banquet  Brunch  Catering  Featured Hotspots  Happy Hour  Receptions/wedding  Wi-Fi 

1 - 2 of 2 Results
*All information is deemed reliable, but unfortunatly cannot not be guaranteed. Events & prices are subject to change.